Last week after E-mail my companion and I and a couple other companionships went down to this really, really expensive and really nice part of Kolonia down by the docks. We asked the owner of a nice bar/restaurant if we could go and sit and eat our cheap local food that we had. They said we could and that we could come back every week- so we will. It is seriously one of the coolest places I've been to because there are like 10 ships wrecks and the water is just calm and wavy. There are sharks and fish everywhere and it is awesome. After going there is really made me realize how much Pohnpei has become my Home and that now it doesn't seem like I'm on some crazy island in the middle of the Ocean but it just feels like home. Seeing such an awesome place like that really helped me realize how lucky I am. I was thinking of home and things that I remember and it hit me that now Pohnpei seems like home. Utah seems like some far away distant place and it's weird to see how fast you can adapt and fall in love with a place. All of the green that is everywhere I really have appreciated it all and how green it really was. All of the little cool huts and all the cool people really helped me realize how amazing Pohnpei really is. I don't have much time this week but I've been trying to give a challenge each week and I would like you all to take ten minutes from the hectic and busy American day and just take a walk around your house or look at the little things, the things that you would miss if they were gone. Look at the carpet in your house and imagine if it was dirt, look at your flat screen and imagine that it's your laundry hanging on a clothes line. Look at your concrete side walks and think of a dirt trail. All of these things and many more I took so much for granted and never gave them a second thought. Now that I don't have any of them I have really come to realize how great all the luxurious things we have that to us are just common place to most people. I love you all and the people are what I have come to appreciate the most. My parents, my family, and my friends are really who I am come t appreciate the most. To all the people I have every laughed with or met I love you! I miss you and I know that even though I love you all there is something that I want to do more and that is my mission. I love you all and can't wait to see you all in two years!
Elder Hanson
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