So this Transfer everyone knew it would be a big transfer or a little transfer. It ended up being a little transfer and only one exchange happened, and of course that one exchange involved me. I am now leaving my birth place of Mesihsou and am now going to Kitti which is on the other side of the island and pretty much exactly opposite. It was really hard to see I would be leaving because I was really starting to love my area and love the people there. I really created a lot of good bonds there and especially the last week I made a lot of good friends and had a lot of good lessons. It was hard but I am excited for my new area. It will definitely be a new challenge and new experience to go to a new area when I actually know the language. I am excited though. My new companion is Elder Hurst, he's from Utah and he actually used to be our district leader before he got emergency transferred. We got along really well before he left so it will be a good change. It will be weird to see my old companion on p-day though because we won't be together. Also I am so excited to see and meet all of the cool people in Kitti. Apparently their house is a little better than ours, which is the worst house on the island, so we are moving up in the world, slowly but surely! Anyways I'm excited and nervous to see all the new people that will become my friends. Now that my 12 week training is over I can now read other things besides the scriptures and preach my gospel chapter 3. This morning I started to read "Our Search for Happiness" which is a really good book. I really enjoyed reading it and I want all of you to read it. It is pretty much Meet the Mormons but in a book. As I have gotten into the habit of studying every day I have really come to love studying and learning every day. We really do need to prepare ourselves for those rainy days where everything is against us. There is a quote that I heard this week and it's "It's better to prepare and prevent, than to repair and repent!" I really liked it and it really does help us as church member remember why we need to study, why we need to pray every night and to exercise our spirit. One of the things we do with our investigators a lot is do CPR. Like CPR for your body, which keeps your body alive and enduring to the end. But CPR for your Spirit. The acronyms are Church, Pray, and Read. It really helps our investigators to understand and be able to realize how important it is to go to church, pray, and read. I cannot stress how important it is to always pray. At least to pray every night. God is our Heavenly Father and just like our fathers on Earth they want to hear from us. Our Father in Heaven is far from us and He really likes to hear from us. It is cool to see people that haven't prayed in a very long time and then we came along they prayed for the first time in years. They tell us how they started crying and they felt like God was giving them a big Spiritual Hug! I know that when we feel the Holy Ghost it really is like God giving us a big spiritual hug. I know that God loves us and wants to help us. We just have to ask.
-Elder Hanson
***We were able to Skype with Travis on Christmas Eve! It was SO good to see and hear him again. He's doing good and making us all jealous with his warm weather :) Although when he started telling us about how he splits a five gallon bucket of water with his companion for a shower and just has to scoop the water out with a big cup, we realized how grateful we should be and how much we have that sometimes we take for granted. He also told us about Joseph Smith's First Vision in the language of Pohnpeian. I'll upload the video to his blog soon so everyone can see :) We hope you all had a great Christmas!
Love, The Hanson Family.
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